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We are msxi

Driving business transformation
in the mobility industry

Driving business transformation
in the automotive industry

MSX International è il leader globale nella fornitura di soluzioni BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) ad alto contenuto tecnologico dedicata al settore automobilistico.

Da più di 25 anni, MSX International lavora, in tutto il mondo, a stretto contatto con i produttori di veicoli.

Aiutiamo i nostri clienti a massimizzare i profitti e ad ottenere risultati misurabili attraverso un portafoglio innovativo di soluzioni e servizi.

Combiniamo la nostra profonda esperienza nel settore, con soluzioni tecnologiche all’avanguardia con il fine di aiutare i nostri Clienti ad aumentare i ricavi e ridurre i costi, migliorando al contempo l’efficienza operativa e la soddisfazione del Cliente finale.

Il nostro obiettivo è quello di supportare i Clienti nel soddisfare le loro esigenze e quello di essere il loro “partner of choice” globale.

Siamo un’azienda internazionale con sede a Detroit, Stati Uniti e Colchester, Regno Unito.


Fast facts about MSX:






Team members


Years of history


Customers worldwide

Scopri di più Siamo guidati dal nostro
Purpose. Ispirati dalla
nostra Vision.
E alimentati dalla
nostra Mission.

Scopri le nuove opportunità

Fai crescere il tuo business

Lavoriamo per migliorare il settore automotive

In MSX lavoriamo per supportare le principali case automobilistiche a livello mondiale al fine di migliorare le loro performance e rivoluzionare il loro modello di business.

Il nostro obiettivo è migliorare la profittabilità dei nostri clienti aumentando i ricavi, riducendo i costi e mantendendo un focus sull’innovazione.

Warranty and Repair Efficiency

Offering our clients the tools and resources to be more efficient and take control of remote and onsite warranty and repair processes.

Diagnostic and Repair Enhancement

Helping our clients to deliver more efficient and effective services through access to technical support and innovative repair processes.

Technical Information

Enabling our clients to deliver clear, accurate and timely technical documentation and media to consumers and technicians.

Parts, Accessories and Service Performance

Increasing customer satisfaction and revenue for our clientsaftersales businesses.

Learning Solutions

Helping brands elevate competencies that increase and sustain employee performance.

Distribution and Sales Performance

Helping our clients to strengthen customer loyalty and achieve sustainable business growth by enhancing retail models.

Consumer Engagement

Offering our clients tailored strategies that deliver exceptional customer experiences and boost sales.

Actionable Insights

Helping clients to use data and analytics to increase efficiency and profitability.

Warranty and Repair Efficiency

Offering our clients the tools and resources to be more efficient and take control of remote and onsite warranty and repair processes.

Diagnostic and Repair Enhancement

Helping our clients to deliver more efficient and effective services through access to technical support and innovative repair processes.

Technical Information

Enabling our clients to deliver clear, accurate and timely technical documentation and media to consumers and technicians.

Parts, Accessories and Service Performance

Increasing customer satisfaction and revenue for our clientsaftersales businesses.

Learning Solutions

Helping brands elevate competencies that increase and sustain employee performance.

Distribution and Sales Performance

Helping our clients to strengthen customer loyalty and achieve sustainable business growth by enhancing retail models.

Consumer Engagement

Offering our clients tailored strategies that deliver exceptional customer experiences and boost sales.

Actionable Insights

Helping clients to use data and analytics to increase efficiency and profitability.
Renowned for our successes

Siamo il “Partner of Choice” dei principali OEM

In MSX, sappiamo cosa serve per rendere la tua attività un vero successo.

Abbiamo aiutato alcuni dei più grandi OEM automobilistici del mondo tra cui

 Ford, General Motors, PSA, Daimler, Volkswagen, Toyota, Jaguar Land Rover, Hyundai and Renault.

La qualità dei nostri servizi si riflette nel feedback positivo dei clienti e i numerosi premi che riceviamo testimoniano la nostra eccellente reputazione nel settore.

Global leaders for more than 30 years

Le nostre ultime partneship e acquisizioni

MSX International announces the acquisition of Pacific Technology Solutions, a leading provider of eLearning, training development and performance improvement solutions to the automotive industry. 

MSX International (MSX), a leading, global provider of technology-enabled business process outsourcing services to the mobility industry has closed the acquisition of The Academy, a sales training, coaching, and consulting company which serves the Italian automotive industry.